Author: Regina Castleman
EVENT: National Disability Independence Day discussion about an important LinkedIn Learning course – July 26 – REGISTER NOW
INTERVIEW: Maggie Beers’ unique path to UCSF’s new role as associate chief information officer for education
Design Lab Alumnus Perspective
Sixth Annual Women in Leadership 2024 Exemplifies Astronaut Sally Ride’s Legacy of Reaching for the Stars
Sana Pandey uses AI to Shape a Brighter Future for Society
Recognizing Excellence: Charron Andrus Awarded UC Berkeley Chancellor’s Outstanding Staff Honor
We are delighted to announce that Charron Andrus, Co-Chair of UC Women in Tech, has been honored with the prestigious University of California, Berkeley Chancellor’s Outstanding Staff Award. Charron received this accolade in recognition of her…
A Message from Van Williams, proud sponsor of UC WIT speaker series
Register to UC WIT Speaker Events:
UC WIT member Veronica Garcia featured in UCSD IT Services Podcast, “The Current” Episode 265: A Voice Services Valentine
The Current is a podcast by the IT services department at UCSD.
From Student to Staff: Jacqueline Chang
Jacqueline Chang began her journey at UC Berkeley as an undergraduate student. Two cross-country moves and two degrees later, she’s back at Berkeley. Read about her journey.
INTERVIEW: Julie Eastman, Senior VP and Chief Information Officer of UC Irvine Health, shares her career journey and reflections transitioning into her new role
UC Tech News recently connected with Julie Eastman, senior vice president and chief information officer (CIO) to learn more about her career journey, and her new role at UC Irvine Health.