Adopted August 12, 2019 / Updated May 6, 2022
The University of California Women in Technology Committee (UC WIT) is a self-chartered, independent entity that promotes a supportive, inclusive environment to advance the professional goals and aspirations of UC women in technology. To fulfill this mission, the committee pursues initiatives at the university-wide level, leveraging and supporting the work of location-based Women in Technology (WIT) committees and partnering with other leadership and systemwide committees.
Key Goals
In support of its mission, the UC WIT engages in the following:

Systemwide Action
Provides a global, university-wide perspective of WIT issues, serves as a resource for other leadership groups, and works collaboratively across UC locations to build a strong ecosystem of women in technology.

Change Initiatives
Advances an agenda, including initiatives and events, to promote an inclusive environment and ensure fair and equal access to opportunities for women.

Awareness and Solutions
Raises awareness about and addresses disparities and inappropriate action that occurs to the detriment of women; engages with and recommends solutions to senior leadership.

Professional Development
Provides opportunities for women to network and receive support for professional advancement.

Intercampus Exchange
Communicates and shares ideas, strategies, resources, and models among the location-based WIT committees, leveraging the contributions of local teams for the benefit of the systemwide community.
Learn More About UC WIT
If you want to lift up humanity, empower women. It is the most comprehensive, pervasive, high-leverage investment you can make in human beings.
Melinda Gates, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World